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4 October 2018 Visit to West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance
Cancer52 visit to West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance to include debriefs on progress of Multi Disciplinary Diagnostic Centres in...
26 September 2018 Moving on from Recommendation 40 Workshop
A joint Cancer52 / NHSE Specialised Commissioning Workshop on Recommendation 40 - on MDTs and 'rarer' cancers work - led by Rupi Dev,...
19 September 2018 Cancer52 Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Cancer52 Board takes place as follows: Date: Wednesday 19 September 2018 Time 1-3pm Location Meeting Room 4...
18 September 2018 Policy and Public Affairs Steering Group meeting
The next meeting of the Cancer52 Policy and Public Affairs Steering Group (PPASG) is taking place as follows: Date Tuesday 18 September...
4 September 2018 Access to Data Working Group meeting
The next meeting of the Access to Data Working Group will take place as follows: Date Tuesday 4 September 2018 Time 2-4pm Location...

All Members Meeting - 11 July 2018
We welcomed about 25 Cancer52 members to our All Members Meeting, with a packed agenda: Brad Groves, Deputy CDF Operational Lead at NHS...
Influencing the next Cancer Strategy - Members Survey
With the current Cancer Strategy set to end in 2020, Cancer52 wants to ensure that the next cancer strategy better addresses the needs of...
Influencing the next Cancer Strategy
With the current Cancer Strategy set to end in 2020, Cancer52 wants to ensure that the next cancer strategy better addresses the needs...
All Members Meeting 25 April 2018
We welcomed around 25 members to the Spring 2018 All Members Meeting, where we heard presentations from the following speakers (click on...
All Members Meeting 24 January 2018
We welcomed 25 members to the first All Members Meeting of 2018, where we heard presentations from the following speakers (click on names...
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