With the current Cancer Strategy set to end in 2020, Cancer52 wants to ensure that the next cancer strategy better addresses the needs of people with rare or less common cancers. As we told you recently, we are therefore very excited about our new project which sets out to identify our priorities for the new strategy and influences the key decision makers. We want to hear from you! As part of this project, we are running a survey of our member organisations. The purpose of this members' survey is to gather information and views from Cancer52 members to inform this piece of work. We will also be interviewing key stakeholders, seeking patient input, conducting desk research and facilitating sessions at the Policy and Public Affairs Steering Group meeting on 26 June and the All Members’ Meeting on 11 July. The survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Cancer52_Members_Survey consists of 14 questions but shouldn't take too long, so if you could respond we'd be grateful. We would like one response per member organisation and for your response to be submitted by 29 June. How we will use the results The results of this survey will be analysed, creating a summary that will be shared both within Cancer52 and with agreed key external stakeholders, where appropriate, to generate discussion and thought. The results of the survey will be considered alongside other evidence and views when determining Cancer52’s priorities for a new cancer strategy. Who is running the survey Cancer52 has engaged Laura Thomas and Jennifer Mitchell from Brighter Together Consulting to undertake this work so please feel free to get in touch with them. You can reach them on info@brightertogetherconsulting.co.uk. Many thanks and best wishes
Jane Lyons