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1 April 2020 All Member Meeting

Our next quarterly All Members Meeting is taking place on Wednesday 1st April 2020, from 10am to 1pm. This meeting will be a video conference and joining details will be shared with the participants closer to the date. Speakers will include:

  • Sophie Newbound, Head of Strategic Engagement and Development at National Disease Registration Service, talking about PHE/NCRAS’s new guide to cancer data and how to work with NCRAS.

  • Holly Lumgair, Patient Advocacy Manager of the Clinigen Group plc talking about a new initiative called BETA – The Bioethics Advisory Group (Beta Group) - a multi-disciplinary group of individuals whose ambition is to ensure all Managed Access Programs are ethical by design.

  • A speaker from DETERMINE – a new initiative from the Christie about aDvancing gEnomically maTchEd tReatMents IN rare cancErs – which aims at providing access to licensed medicines in unlicensed indications for cancer patients and in particular patients with rare and less common cancers.

  • And some homegrown representatives from our member charities who have been leading on the rare and less common cancer response to the upcoming NICE Methods Review Consultation.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible at this meeting.

This meeting is for members of Cancer52 only. For timings and further information please email

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